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emacspeak on android


The server code in svn is indeed the latest.  Depending on the
Android version you have --- TTS crashes are probably coming from
the android side with the TTS  engine; 4.1 had a number of
crashers (version released last July). A lot of these were fixed
in 4.2.2 which went out last Oct/Nov. 
>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Bart> Hi again, Is the version of the android speech server
    Bart> in emacspeak svn the latest version?
    Bart> I'm seeing quite a few crashes.
    Bart> Also was wondering if anyone who is running emacspeak
    Bart> on android with linux as the primary os and android
    Bart> running in a chroot can share the distro they are
    Bart> using?
    Bart> Especially interested in hearing from anyone who has
    Bart> done this with a nexus 7.
    Bart> This is possibly OT so feel free to reply off list.
    Bart> Kind regards
    Bart> Bart
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