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Re: Emacspeak with eSpeak losing speech on Vinux 4

You can just use the dmesg command in a terminal. 

I also see the regular loss of speech with espeak. I have never been
able to track down the issue, though I tend to get distracted with other
things when I try. I don't see this crashing with speechd or with espeak
and speech-dispatcher generally. It is limited to the emacspeak espeak

I find disabling character echo can help a bit. Otherwise, I've just
gotten use to hitting C-e C-s to restart espeak when it stops

I have noticed that I don't see this issue with the experiments I've
done that don't use tcl as the interface language. So it could be that
the problem is in the tcl layer, but this is just more guesswork.


On Fri, 2013-05-10 at 11:50 +1000, Jason White wrote:
> Christopher Chaltain <chaltain@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I don't see this file on this system. It's a Ubuntu based system.
> Ubuntu keeps diverging from every other Linux distribution in a growing
> variety of ways.
> Try /var/log/syslog. I don't have an Ubuntu-based system so I'm guessing here.
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