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Re: [SPAM] Re: patch: network-interface-list absent on some systems

Ok, nice. :)
Yet one idea, in my opinion, it doesn't make sense to load emacs-alsaplayer on Windows. I am very new to emacspeak. Just started to look here and there, and besides network-interface-list, I noticed this alsaplayer thing.

Dňa 3. 10. 2013 11:35 Jarek Czekalski  wrote / napísal(a):
It's happening again :)

Thanks, Lubos

W dniu 2013-10-03 11:06, Lubos Pintes pisze:
Maybe you forgot to attach the patch?

Dňa 3. 10. 2013 8:14 Jarek Czekalski  wrote / napísal(a):
Bypassed lack of network-interface-list function on some platforms,
including Windows.

I would forgot about this tiny one workaround. Now it's definitely the
last source code change for the windows build.



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