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Re: no byte-compilation in windows release

I agree. You should not provide .elc files in any release, but instead provide details and/or makefiles which the user can use to generate the byte files. The main reason not to include .elc files is that you will run into emacs version problems - possibly not an issue for the window release yet, but in the future, this will become an issue when people use emacspeak with different versions of emacs on windows. 

Although not common, there are also times when debugging elisp is much easier when you have only .el files and not .elc files. Therefore, I think providing the user with a means to generate compiled files rather than pre-compiling them is much better. 

I would be a little wary about concluding byte-compiled files not appearing to affect performance. While startup may not see much difference, most likely because of auto loads etc, overall performance may be affected. A lot will depend on each users specific requirements and what they do and which modes they load etc. 


Tim Cross
IT Security Manager, Information Technology
University of New England
Armidale N.Sl.W. 2350

Email: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +61 2 6773 3210
Mobile: +61 428 212 217

On 12/10/2013, at 2:38 AM, Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi again
> I just erased all .elc files from under emacspeak directory. I didn't take exact measurements, but it seems to me, that there's no significant startup time difference. I don't see other problems neither. What do you think about distributing only .el files, without byte-compilation? At least on Windows version?
> Why do I do that? To increase portability. Emacspeak once installed could be shared among multiple Emacs versions. And I would avoid the work with compiling elc files during installation process.
> Jarek
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