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Re: OS X Server, Or Something Else?

Please dont do any such thing.

The function in the loaddefs file is auto-generated by the build
process and is needed for correct configuration and build.

The MacOS  problem has been reported by a few people and is
likely a consequence of some underlying change in Mac TTS.

>>>>> "Jarek" == Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> Does anyone have any ideas?
    Jarek> Haden, the thing to try is having a backtrace of all
    Jarek> calls to dtk-stop. It was helpful to diagnose the
    Jarek> silent info pages. Please pay attention to the
    Jarek> dtk-stop function - in my case it appears twice in the
    Jarek> code: in dtk file and in emacspeak-loaddef
    Jarek> file. Remove one of them in such case.
    Jarek> After having a short Emacspeak session with
    Jarek> backtraces, you can save or copy whole "*Messages*"
    Jarek> buffer and post it for analyze. During this session
    Jarek> you could write a word "abcdef" and issue
    Jarek> emacspeak-speak-word command. That should make things
    Jarek> clear.
    Jarek> Jarek
    Jarek> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Jarek> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
    Jarek> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
    Jarek> "unsubscribe" or "help".

Best Regards,

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