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Re: emacs-24.3 + emacspeak-39.0

Hi: I fixed the first problem - I aliased emacs to the path to
emacs-24 , but make ignores aliases so emacspeak was being built with
emacs 23, so no cl-proclaim.

This fixed some of the other problems, but m-arrow keys still do not
work.  I see in emacs-24 that m-right arrow is bound to  right-word,
whereas in emacs-23 its bound to  forward-word.   right-word is not
advised by emacspeak-39., which is why its doesn't speak.

What's the best way to fix this? Rebind the keys or add advised

I've also lost the auditory icons. The  blank line and buffer modified
beeps work though.

lsmithso@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
 > Hi: I've been a happy and productive user of emacs-23.3 and emacspeak
 > 37.0 for a while now. I want to bite the bullet and update to the
 > latest stable emacs + emacspeak versions. I've successfully built
 > emacs 24.3 from source but I'm having trouble building and running
 > emacspeak-39.0. I wondered if I might get some help.
 > OS is stock Vinux 4.0
 > Emacs version 24.3 built from source
 > Emacspeak  version  39.0
 > The first problem I have is with building emacspeak:
 > emacspeak-webutils.el:56:1:Error: Symbol's function definition is
 > void: cl-proclaim
 > If I ignore this error and plow on (perhaps unwisely) with 'make -k',
 > then run the result, I have the following problems:
 > Cursor up and down speaks the whole line, but cursor left or right
 > doesn't speak the character under the cursor. 
 > Meta  cursor left/right doesn't speak the word under the cursor.
 > c-c Home goes home but doesn't speak the 1st line of the buffer.
 > c-c End goes to the end of the buffer but doesn't sound the audio
 > icon.
 > A number of other audio icons seem to be missing, ie after a c-g.
 > Incidentally, emacspeak-version  in  emacspeak-setup.el is stuck at
 > 38.0.
 > Thanks for any help you can give.
 > -- 
 > Les Smithson
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Les Smithson

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