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[Emacspeak] TTS Server Implementation Questions

Hey All! 

I got a few questions about nitty gritty server implementation behaviors,
after these are answered I will do a PR to update the TTS servers docs 
with what I have learned in implementing two servers, plus what I learn 
from this thread. 

1. When playing an icon queued with 'a', should it block and wait for 
completion or if for example 3 are queued it should fire them off async?

2. tts_pause and tts_resume are instants correct? Meaning don't wait for 

3. tts_reset is also an instant correct?  It should stop any output and 
reset the tts engine?

4. tts_sync_state questions

4a. what is the intention of the dtk-caps value here? Since
emacspeak can do the ACC or cap on the lisp side. I copied the 
behavior of mac python server using it as allcaps_beep but I am 
now unsure if this is correct. 

4b. I assume this should wait for dispatch and not be instant, 

4c. What is the purpose of tts_sync_state generally, I mean I 
understand waht it does, but I don't understand why it is ever 

5. Language settings questions

5a. What is set_previous_lang and set_next_lang intended to do?

5b. What is set_preferred_lang supposed to do, it takes alias and


Thanks in advance! 

Robert "robertmeta" Melton
lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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