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Re: eterm with emacspeak

This question can readily be answered by reading the Emacspeak manual,
which describes eterm mode in detail. To quote from the documentation:

   There are two sub-modes of term mode: char sub-mode and line
sub-mode.  In char sub-mode, emacspeak will only speak the final chunk
of output -typically the last line displayed.  Each character typed
(except `term-escape-char`) is sent immediately.  Use char sub-mode for
screen oriented programs like vi or pine.

   In line sub-mode, program output is spoken if user option
`eterm-autospeak' is turned on.  When you type a return at the end  of
the buffer, that line is sent as input, while return not at end  copies
the rest of the line to the end and sends it.  When using terminal line
mode with option `eterm-autospeak' turned  on, speech feedback is
similar to that obtained in regular `shell-mode'  buffers.

   The default is char sub-mode.  You can switch to line sub-mode with
C-c C-j (recall that control J is a linefeed), and back to char sub-mode
with C-c C-k (think of character spelled with a K).

   Note:  Use char-mode with the terminal emulator for running
screen-oriented programs like Lynx or Pine.  For regular shell
interaction just use M-x shell instead of using the terminal emulator.

The manual proceeds to explain the commands which are available in
both modes, including the various "screen review" functions offered.

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