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Re: terminal simulator

>>>>> "A" == A R Vener <salt@xxxxxxxxxxx-vision.com> writes:

    A> 1) How do I switch from one buffer to another?  Example, I've

Use C-x b and enter the buffer name, or press enter for the last
buffer. Additionally, C-x C-b puts you in a buffer list which lets you
arrow down to the buffer and press enter to select it. I think you can
also use d to close the selected buffer, as well as other cool
commands which I never use but I'm sure exist. :)

    A> 2) Using the terminal-simulator.

To use the emulator, type M-x term. Use C-c C-j to place the terminal
in line mode, which allows Emacspeak commands to work. For most
applications, you'll probably want shell mode (M-x shell) instead.

As an aside, I've noticed some oddness in how Emacspeak (or maybe it's
Emacs?) handles large terminal buffers. Term buffers behave nicely,
until they grow to be longer than 2000 lines in length. When this

1.  The top-most text in the terminal buffer seems to vanish; it's as
    if the terminal is one large screen, and old data is scrolling

2.  Emacspeak stops speaking portions of newly-received text. As an
    example, in shell-mode and in terminal buffers which are shorter
    than 2000 lines, ls speaks all incoming text. If the terminal
    buffer excedes 2k lines, however, ls only speaks part of the
    incoming text. I've tried this with several versions of Emacs and
    Emacspeak; I haven't reported it because I normally use
    shell-mode, and I had forgotten about the problem until I read
    this message. Can anyone else duplicate this?

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