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installation problems II

First, thank you Barry, for the tip and code to have lilo beep when it's 
time to choose an os in a dual boot set up.  Works like a champ!

Second, thank you Janina, for your suggestion to try Viavoice as my Dectalk 
pc may be too old to be used in my new gnu/linux-mandrake 8.0 box.  And 
that brings me to problem II.

Downloaded viavoice and built it.  As super user, installed it using the 
"make configure, make emacspeak, make install" waltz.  Fired off emacspeak 
and got the organ/intro and the error: "process speaker not running" 
message on about every command tried. (Jennifer, I sure could use your 
documentation on building/installing emacspeak!)

What am I missing?  Don't even know if this matters, but I originally got 
the sources package from rpmfind.net; not, the noarch package.  Is that 
even relevant?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Dave Helkenn

e-mail: helkenn@xxxxxxxxxxx

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