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Re: RedHat 7.2, Outload and auditory icons

sorry. I write English very poor.

Per Egil Kummervold <peregil@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> to include the following in my .emacs file:
>  (emacspeak-aumix-multichannel-capable-p t)
>  (emacspeak-toggle-auditory-icons t)
>         (when (emacspeak-sounds-theme-p "chimes-mono")
>                 (emacspeak-sounds-select-theme "chimes-mono/" ))
> It looks like the auditory icons are loaded, but the first line produces
> the following error:
> "Symbol's function definition is void:
> emacspeak-aumix-multichannel-capable-p" in emacspeak. I cant hear any
> icons.

I think emacspeak-aumix-multichannel-capable-p is not inpriment
this line is error. so .emacs not read after This line.
If use Auditory-icon? this line is delete.

--- Mitsugu

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