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persistent auditory icon player setting

hello.  i just got RedHat 7 running and immediatly installed emacspeak
15 with no difficulty.

great job raman!

my problem is that i have to set auditory icon player to
emacspeak-play-auditory-icon before hearing the icons.  i tested all
four of the options like midi, native etc. and that one is the only
one that works with my machine.

what puzzles me though, is that if i toggle auditory icons off in a
buffer, then on again, i have to reset the player again also.

took a look at emacspeak-customize but, if setting these defaults is
in there, i missed it.

so, how do you set the global default icon player and also globally
enable icon playing?

took a look around in emacspeak-sounds.el without learning what i'm
doing wrong.


Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     Unix Administrator/Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile)   http://www.JerrySievers.com/~gsievers/

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