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Re: New Java-based software speech synthesizer available

They will also need to improve the speech quality, in my opinion.
Apparently there is a plan to convert voices from Festival, according
to the documentation on the web site.

The Festival Lite speech synthesizer is written in C and has been
offered under a free (open-source) licence. Again, the developers plan
to import voices from Festival to improve the speech quality. See

While I have an interest in software synthesis I would prefer to avoid
binary-only distributions if possible, for various reasons including
those which Tim cited. On the other hand I wouldn't be opposed in
principle to paying reasonable fees for a source licence were any of
the various commercial providers of speech synthesis software to make
such an option available, provided of course that the speech software
could be run under Linux and a suitable Emacspeak server could be

As for Sun's FreeTTS, it requires Sun's Java virtual machine, version

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