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Re: Completion problem


KIRIAKE Masanori <seiken@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I created patch to emacspeak-view.el.
> Please change emacspeak-view.el file.

I grepped emacspeak/lisp directory with '\[DEL\]' and
emacspeak-calculator.el also has [DEL] as an argument of define-key.
That will be all of the changes needed.

As supplement information, Emacs 21.2.50 emits an error like this:
To bind the key DEL, use "\d" not [DEL]
when [DEL] is used as an argument of key-binding functions. I think
they decided not to support using vector as a key name.

Best regards.

                    Koichi Inoue, ARGV
                    E-Mail: inoue@xxxxxxxxxxx

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