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Re: w3 vs w3m?

>>>>> ""Dave" == "Dave Hunt <" <dave.hunt2@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    "Dave> Any advantages of one over the other?  I now use w3.  -Dave

I find it useful to have both. W3M is a lot faster at rendering pages
than W3, but W3 does have better support for some features like style
sheets and some applications like VM are able to work with w3 easily,
but configuring them to work with W3M is a bit more tricky.

I would say have both - you will probably find for some jobs one suits
your needs better than the other, but I don't think one can completely
replace the other. 


Tim Cross					E-Mail: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
Analyst/Programmer                               Phone: 6773 3210
Applications Group			        Mobile: 0412 969193
University of New England
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