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Re: espeakf?

   I finally got around to wanting to try espeakf, the festival server
   for emacspeak, ...

I don't know anything about espeakf, but you could try eflite, which
is a Festival/Emacspeak server.

`eflite', with Festival and Emacspeak does not provide different
`voices' so voice lock does not work; but otherwise, it seems fine to

Here are my notes:

eflite, Festival, and Emacspeak

EFlite is a speech server for Emacspeak
that allows it to interface with Festival Lite,


as of 2002 Dec  8

 wget -c http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/eflite/eflite-0.3.4.tar.gz

2002 Sep  3

It turns out that the eflite driver in the Emacspeak installed
by Debian is more up-to-date than the version I have been using and
works better than before.

I got an English-speaking Emacspeak running on a laptop with an
ordinary sound card by installing these Debian packages from the
`testing' distribution:

    apt-get install flite      # Festival Lite, the text-to-speech synthesizer
    apt-get install eflite     # The Emacspeak driver for Festival Lite
    apt-get install emacspeak  # The Emacspeak acoustic desktop.  
                                 The Debian `testing' is a version 15
    apt-get install eflite-dev # The development Emacspeak driver,
                                 which may not be necessary


  pushd /usr/local/src
  wget -c http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/eflite/eflite_0.3.4-1_i386.deb

In addition, I rewrote the
shell script for my set up like this; you can adapt it:

# emacspeak - execute emacs with speech enhancements
#$Id: emacspeak.sh.def,v 15.0 2001/11/20 20:05:30 raman Exp $
    if [ -f /etc/emacspeak.conf ]
    . /etc/emacspeak.conf

if [ -f ~bob/.emacs-21 ]
	INITSTR="-l ~bob/.emacs-21"

for CL in $* ; do
	if [ "$CL" = "-o" ]; then
		export DTK_PROGRAM
	elif [ "$CL" = "-q" ]; then

exec emacs -q  --no-site-file \
    --eval '(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp" load-path))'\
    --eval '(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak" load-path))'\
    --eval '(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp" load-path))'\
    -l /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el \
    --eval '(setq  emacspeak-speak-time-format-string "Time is %_H hours %M minutes UTC, on %A, %_d %B %Y ")'       \
    -fn 10x20 -bg darkblue -fg white -geometry 80x48                \
    -name 'Emacspeak' -T 'Emacspeak'                                \
    -l ~bob/.emacs-for-emacspeak                                    \

################ end /usr/bin/emacspeak ################

Where  ~bob/.emacs-for-emacspeak
contains the following

    ;; ~bob/.emacs-for-emacspeak
    ;; as of 2002 Sep  3, need the following for help to work:

    (defun emacspeak-view-setup-keys()
      "Setup emacspeak convenience keys"
      (declare (special view-mode-map))
      (loop for i from 0 to 9
            (define-key view-mode-map
              (format "%s" i)
    ;;;convenience keys
      (define-key view-mode-map "\C-j"
      (define-key view-mode-map "\M- " 'emacspeak-outline-speak-this-heading)
      (define-key view-mode-map "\M-n"
      (define-key view-mode-map "\M-p" 'outline-previous-visible-heading)
      (define-key view-mode-map " " 'scroll-up)
      (define-key view-mode-map "\d" 'scroll-down)
      (define-key view-mode-map "P" 'dtk-pause)
      (define-key view-mode-map "R" 'dtk-resume)
      (define-key view-mode-map "S" 'dtk-stop)
      (define-key view-mode-map "t" 'emacspeak-view-line-to-top)
      (define-key view-mode-map ","
      (define-key view-mode-map "\M-d"
      (define-key view-mode-map "c" 'emacspeak-speak-char)
      (define-key view-mode-map "w" 'emacspeak-speak-word)

I commented out all of the default contents of
and inserted the following in it instead:

## for eflite
export DTK_TCL=/usr/bin/eflite

Finally, I removed


This configuration lacks different `voices' so voice lock fails; but
otherwise, it works.

################ end eflite, Festival, and Emacspeak ################

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.teak.cc                                     bob@xxxxxxxxxxx

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