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Voice locking and new engine

This question is really directed to Raman, but I figured others might
benefit from the answer, so have sent it to the list.

My question concerns the new voice lock engine which is now based on
faces rather than using its own separate voice locking engine. What is
the situation with maintaining backwards compatibility? that is, if
you run emacspeak on a pre emacs 21 version, does it automatically
revert to using the old voice lock engine? 

The reason I was wondering this is with respect to writing new
emacspeak modes. Should we still be creating regular expressions
containing keywords to be voicified with specific personalities as was
the case in the old voice lock engine and which is no longer required
for the new engine or, for new modes, should we just do the advising
of functions to provide auditory feedback and not worry about the old
voice-lock engine requirements? I guess I'm really asking how much we
want to maintain backwards compatibility?

If we are going to maintain backwards compatibility - are there any
predicates which can be used to evaluate which voice lock engine is
being used? As an example, if I need to advise a function differently
depending on which voice lock engine is in use, is there a predicate
to test for or should I just test for major emacs version and assume
if it is greater than or equal to emacs 21, then use the new font lock
engine and its functions, otherwise, use the old voice lock engine and
its functions. I did have a search, but didn't come up with anything.


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