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Re: Availability of Emacspeak

To listen to all the characters in the following message, I think you
need to set Emacspeak's punctuation mode to `all'.  If you are
listening to this in Emacspeak, you can evaluate the following
expression by placing point after it and typing Control-x Control-e:

    (dtk-set-punctuations 'all)

Hugh Esco asked;

   Please share how it is that I would add a file to my info tree.

There are three issues: creating an Info file from a Texinfo source
file, adding the name of the Info file to your Info menu, and making
sure that your Info menu file, called a `dir' file, is found
automatically by your session of GNU Emacs.

1. To create an Info file if you do not already have one, run a
   command similar to this:

  makeinfo --fill-column=70 --no-split --paragraph-indent=0 --verbose foo.texi

    This command puts the document into one, often very long, Info file.
    I prefer this but others do not.  Conventionally, the command is simply

  makeinfo foo.texi

    where foo.texi is the name of the Texinfo source file that you
    are converting to Info.

For more information, visit the `Invoking makeinfo' node of the
Texinfo manual.

You can do that by evaluating the following expression.  Place your
cursor after the final parenthesis and press Control-x Control-e:

    (info "(texinfo)Invoking makeinfo")

2. To add the name of the Info file to the menu you see in info, if
   that has not been done automatically as is usually the case, edit
   you master Info menu file, which is called a `dir' file.  By
   default, the `dir' file is in the


   directory, but if you have a non-standard set up, it may be
   elsewhere.  (To fix that problem, see the next item.)

   Thus, when you edit a file such as the


   file, you have to write a line that is in good Info format.  (As I
   said, this is usually done automatically for you; but sometimes
   you have to write the menu entry line yourself.)

   Suppose you have an Info file called `foo.info' that is in your

   directory.  Then you would visit the `/usr/share/info/dir' file
   and put the following line somewhere.  I suggest you put it in the
   category called `Miscellaneous' if you have that category.  If
   not, put the line anywhere.

   The line needs to look like this:

* Foo: (/usr/local/info/foo).                A description of foo.

   The first character of the line is an asterisk.  Follow it by a
   space.  Then write the name of the menu entry as you want it to
   appear in you Info menu.  End the name of the menu entry with a
   colon. Then, write an opening parenthesis, specify the path and
   name of the Info file, with or without its .info extension.  Then
   write a closing parenthesis and follow that by a period.  Then,
   after the period, write a short description of the Info document.

   There are several variations on this format, but this works always.
   The reason for this format is that it could be read by any Info
   reader in the 1970s when the format was developed, and would not be
   confused for something else.  Since then, people have started to
   include colons and the like in various names and various problems
   have arisen.  I have read discussions about what to do, but not
   paid attention to them.  In any event, this line format, as I said,
   will always work.

   For more information, visit the `Menus' node of the Texinfo manual.

   You can do that by evaluating the following expression:

       (info "(texinfo)Menus")

3. If your Info directory is not found automatically by your session
   of GNU Emacs, you will need to set your `Info-directory-list'
   variable in your .emacs file.  This variable consists of a list of
   directories to search for Info documentation files.

   The list that is installed by default usually works.  However, if
   you are like me and put Info files into many different directories,
   then you will need to set the list yourself.  I myself set 17
   different directories.  This is a large number.  Usually, as I
   said, you do not need to set your `Info-directory-list'
   variable at all.

   This is an example of what you might set.  You can, if you want,
   name the directories with a trailing slashes; or you can do
   without.  This example shows both styles.

       (setq Info-directory-list

   Note that this is an Emacs Lisp expression, as are all those in a
   .emacs file.  It sets the value of the quoted variable (the q in
   setq means quote) to the list, which is quoted with a single
   apostrophe before its opening parenthesis.

   For more information about Emacs Lisp, visit the Top node of my
   "Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp" which nowadays should
   be part of your distribution.  I wrote this book for people are not

   You can go to the Info file for that book by evaluating the
   following expression:

       (info "(eintr)Top")

   For more information about setting Info directories, see item 2 in
   the `Other Info Directories' node of the Texinfo manual.

   You can do that by evaluating the following expression:

       (info "(texinfo)Other Info Directories")

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.teak.cc                             bob@xxxxxxxxxxx

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