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ViaVoice Outloud not working in Debian Woody

You are having troubles with the new libc6.

easiest fix is to build a woody chroot and run the tts server inside the chroot.


Dave Hunt writes:
 > Hello,
 > Given my failure to get DECtalk software tts working, I decided to try
 > the ViaVoice Outloud that worked in my old Redhat installation.  I
 > installed the sdk and rtk for ViaVoice from rpm files which I
 > converted to Debian with the alien package.  The code in
 > "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacs/servers/linux-outloud" compiles and
 > builds an object and shared library.  When I run "tcl
 > /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/outloud", the error,
 > "could not load "/usr/lib/libibmeci50.so" is printed.  I am assured
 > that the library is, in fact, in "/usr/lib/".  The rellivant parts of
 > my shell session, and the complete Makefile from "linux-outloud", are
 > below.  I'm wondering whether the trouble is really something in my
 > tcl setup, since both the outloud and dtk-soft scripts don't work?
 > The tcl script for doubletalk, however, does.
 > Thanks,
 > -Dave
 > debian:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/linux-outloud# make
 > g++  -DUNIX -fpic  -g  -c -o tcleci.o tcleci.cpp
 > cc  -g -o tcleci.so tcleci.o -ltclx8.3 -ldl -shared
 > debian:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/linux-outloud# cd ..
 > debian:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers# tcl outloud
 > Error: Could not load /usr/lib/libibmeci50.so
 > Please install the IBM ViaVoice Outloud RTK
 >     while executing
 > "load $tclTTS/tcleci.so"
 >     (file "outloud" line 290)
 > debian:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers# locate libibmeci50.so
 > /usr/lib/libibmeci50.so
 > debian:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers# dpkg -l |grep ViaVoice
 > ii  viavoice-tts-r 5.1-1.2        IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit for Linux
 > ii  viavoice-tts-s 5.1-1.2        IBM ViaVoice TTS Software Development Kit fo
 > #$Id: Makefile,v 17.0 2002/11/23 01:29:10 raman Exp $
 > INSTALL = install
 > PREFIX = /usr
 > libparentdir = ${PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp
 > libdir =$(libparentdir)/emacspeak/linux-outloud
 > TTS=tcleci.so eci.ini VIAVOICE
 > all: tcleci.so 
 > CPPFLAGS=  -DUNIX -fpic  -g
 > tcleci.so: tcleci.o
 > 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -o $@ tcleci.o -ltclx8.3 -ldl -shared
 > clean:
 > 	rm -f tcleci.so tcleci.o
 > install: tcleci.so
 > 	if test ! -d $(libdir) ; then mkdir $(libdir); fi ; \
 > 	chmod 755 $(libdir); \
 > 	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(TTS) $(libdir)
 > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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