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Re: Emacspeak stops speaking after 3 minutes!

Hi Gilles,
Thanks a lot. When I clicked on the URL you  gave in your post, Netscape
took me to the page and I was told that this service was temporarily
disabled! I'll try to get the latest released version of eflite and see
what happens.

gcasse@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
 > Hello,
 > I met this issue - Emacspeak stops talking - with eflite 0.3.7 and flite 1.2.
 > The CVS version of eflite at sourceforge.net fixes the problem.
 > Here is the url:
 > http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=47541
 > Regards,
 > Gilles Casse
 > --
 > Oralux http://oralux.org
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