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problems emacspkeak 22 + flite 1.3.0 + elfite 0.3.9 + FC3,krenel2.6.12

Hi Peter,

You wrote:
    "now c-e c-s is my very favourite keystroke.  "

In fact, the only way I can function with eflite the way it behaves is
by having the line:
	  (global-set-key [f4] 'dtk-stop)
in my .emacs. So I'll type `d' in a vm-buffer to discard a letter,
press f4 to stop eflite then type `n' to go to the next message! If I
omit the f4 step, I'll have to wait for 5-10 seconds before emacspeak
will read out the name of the sender of the next message.

Which is thelast Red Hat version with which eflite worked without
trouble. Also I have heard of another server called espeakfv; does
anyone use it or know if it functions with FC?


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