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Re: Error: Could not load libibmeci.so

"Robert D. Crawford" <rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> After I send this, I will do a script on the console without anything
> using the soundcard to see if the error message has changed.  Tim says
> that the error message I saw might not be the same as the one in the
> thread.  It might be the case that I did not read it well.

Here is the result:

Script started on Thu 25 May 2006 09:38:50 PM CDT
rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:~/sourceforge/emacspeak/servers/linux-outloud$ ../outloud
tcl: atcleci.cpp:232: size_t alsa_configure(): Assertion `err >= 0' failed.
Script done on Thu 25 May 2006 09:39:07 PM CDT

Tim, sorry I did not send the line number before.  I was doing a paste
from the search I did and I had removed some of the text.

Thanks again,


Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

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