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Well, here is something a bit 'odd'. 

I grabbed the latest svn snapshot of emacspeak and built it on my
older system with the most recent emacs 22 snapshot from Debian

Using emacs 22, the emacspeak-cus-load.el file is created.
Unfortunately, emacspeak won't build because of the version of
speedbar which is shipped as part of emacs 22. 

If I do exactly the same thing with emacs 21, the
emacspeak-cus-load.el file is not created, but cus-load.el is.

I also noticed that when you do a make clean, it is actually trying to
remove emacspeak-cus-loads.el (that is load with an s on the end). 


Jason White writes:
 > On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 07:57:48AM -0700, T. V. Raman wrote:
 > > 
 > > Specifically, after you do a make clean and a make config, please
 > > verify that it generates lisp/emacspeak-cus-load.el
 > Unfortunately it doesn't. However, it does generate cus-load.el:
 > Generating cus-load.el...
 > Wrote /home/jason/cvs-emacspeak/emacspeak/lisp/cus-load.el
 > Generating cus-load.el...done
 > The Emacs version is 21.4.1. I recently ran a full Debian upgrade on this
 > system. Some software was broken by the upgrade process, but Emacs appears to
 > be operating correctly. There were no errors in the make config.
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