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on text properties

Hi Robert,

As long as you have Voice-Lock settings in your .emacs file, the
voice-personality properties are set even if they are ignored by tts
like flite.

I use this feature constantly while trouble shooting my math documents
being written in  LaTeX.

If I get an error that some command is only available in math mode
(that is between matched pairs of `$' signs) and I can see that the
command is obviously between dollars, it means that somewhere earlier
I have typed a spurious $ by mistake. 

The way I find this is by moving back line by line and doing C-E M-v
on the first letter. If it is outside math mode I hear

Personality nil
otherwise Personality LaTeX math font personality or something like

So even with  a single voice tts  Voice locking is extremely useful. 

I just tried out an expt on a web page using w3m-mode: again links
have a different personality: not that this is useful because w3m
reads out the link under point anyway.

 This is not to   contradict you, but just an embellishment on your

Robert D. Crawford writes:
 > One thing that I did not mention, as I originally thought there was no
 > need but have since thought otherwise is that text properties in html
 > and such are dependent on the tts engine.  I can only speak of flite,
 > which does not support voice properties, and via voice, which does. 
 > I thought I might should reclarify that.  I thought I mentioned it
 > before, but could not remember for sure.
 > -- 
 > Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > sillema sillema nika su
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