Week 5
- We didn't get to discuss “static” in any detail last week. Let's review static with ScopeTester
We will start on the next homework assignment in the lab. (It is a large assignment)- I will assign the homework on Thursday and we can talk about it then.
- We will have a debugging lab today!
- based on the Matrix class from last week
- including information from yesterday's lecture too!
- If you didn't completely understand labs/homework up to this point, perhaps we can review together?
- If you didn't do the Matrix lab from last week, then please let me know (so you can do that instead…)
- Let's look at the assignment in… Moodle!
- I'm trying out moodle and created an “assignment”. Just submit a file, well, a java file is what I set moodle up to accept…
- Update: I received files from 18 students. That is a success (!)