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Re: emacspeak-w3-url-expand-and-execute The State of Web Browsing in Emacspeak [very long]

"T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Command: emacspeak-w3-url-expand-and-execute
> This is another  very useful command in specialized W3 buffers.

This looks like something that is more of a developer tool than an
end-user function.  

One question I do have concerning this function is how one would know
that a particular url would have an applicable executor without having
looked at the source?  Is this something I missed in the docs?  If this
is something that is missing in the docs, should I describe it in my
document and have a look to see what else, besides the BBC, has executor
functions defined?

> If a buffer has no executor defined and you press "e e",
> emacspeak will prompt you for an executor function with completion.

Is this there so that one could write their own executor functions, same
as I wrote an url template to search for php and html documentation?

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx


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