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Re: Accessing Orkut and more

Hello Cleverson,

"Cleverson" <clever9@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 1. Is it possible to access the Orkut social network using some Emacs
> web browser? Usually, text-based web browsers have troubles accessing
> Orkut because it uses a lot of Javascript. If someone has a profile
> there, tell me please if it's possible to manage profiles, post scraps
> to friends and messages to comunities, etc.

I am not sure if there is some way around this.  The browsers currently
supported under emacspeak don't support javascript.  There is work being
done with an interface to mozilla, but it has been a while since I have
tried it out and, while it was usable, I did not really check it out
that extensively.

> 2. This may be more a personal than a technical question. Whenever I
> want to use a non-emacs application, does Emacspeak acts as a good
> screen reader, for example when compared to Speakup? Does it have
> commands for reviewing the screen as well?

I have not used speakup.  If you could define "non-emacs application" it
might be helpful.  The application needs to run under emacs, whether
that be in a shell or as any standard emacs application e.g. gnus or

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

I don't have any use for bodyguards, but I do have a specific use for two
highly trained certified public accountants.
		-- Elvis Presley

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