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Re: Accessing Orkut and more

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 08:55:28PM -0500, Robert D. Crawford wrote:
> I am not sure if there is some way around this.  The browsers currently
> supported under emacspeak don't support javascript.  There is work being
> done with an interface to mozilla, but it has been a while since I have
> tried it out and, while it was usable, I did not really check it out
> that extensively.

It will be much more usable as they move toward Firefox 3.

T.V. Raman wrote an interface to Orca which allows it to use an Emacspeak
speech server. If you have Emacspeak working, you should be able to configure
Orca to use the speech server and avoid having to set up Gnome speech.

I hope this is still on topic for the list - at least it does involve
discussion of Emacspeak speech servers.

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