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Re: Various TTS problems

Hello Lucas and list,

Thanks very much for your help.  I have via voice working well now,
which is a better outcome than getting eflite working well.  

Changing values in the .asoundrc file influenced aplay, but not eflite
or outloud.  So I presumed that neither speech engines were using
alsa.   Running the outloud server in the emacspeak/servers directory
gave the response:

Via voice

rather than 

Via voice using alsa

to confirm this, as per the docs in the alsa file in the linux-outloud 
directory.   Doing 

sudo make atcleci.so

in that directory worked, after having modified the Makefile as per
Greg Priest's message of October 2007.  

And very nice too it is, to have outloud working well.

Best regards,


Lukas Loehrer writes:
 > Hi Rob,
 > The first thing you should try is  compile and run the alsaparams program in the
 > servers/linux-outloud directory. Ideally, you should configure alsa in
 > such a way (via a the .asoundrc file) that the puffer size and the
 > period size are relatively short, in the order of 0.1 s. You can use
 > the alsaparams program to check whether the configuration is the way
 > you want it. The asoundrc file int the linux-outloud directory is a
 > good starting point.
 > There are some problems with the alsa library version 1.0.15 and the
 > alsa code in flite, however, Ubuntu 7.10 still uses libasound 1.0.14,
 > thus this should not affect you. 
 > Best regards, Lukas
 > Rob Hill writes ("Re: Various TTS problems"):
 > > Hello Lucas,
 > > 
 > > Yes, the problem persists when I revert to emacs21 and emacspeak 26.
 > > The upgrade of emacs and emacspeak which caused the trouble was part
 > > of a distribution upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, not just an
 > > isolated upgrade.
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