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Re: OT: Should the Emacs team leave beep-on-error enabled for the sake of people with vision loss?

Hash: RIPEMD160

That's an interesting question for sure.  I had no idea that reasoning
had been applied.  Since I'm blind, I would probably favor that being
left on but if there is an easy for someone to turn that off, then it
should be clearly documented so those who don't want it can quickly
and easily disable it.  Of course, emacspeak isn't running by default
so why does the error beep need to be on by default? I think some
system beeps are non intrusive though.

On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 07:48:15AM +0000, Jason Spiro wrote:
> Hi all.  I am fully sighted.  Here's a question about Emacs in general, not just
> about Emacspeak.  When you make even the slightest mistake in Emacs, it rings
> the system bell.  I asked the Emacs team to disable this beep-on-error by
> default.[1]  One Emacs developer replied and disagreed.  He said they should do
> that.  His main argument was that it should be left on because of blind /
> visually impaired people.[2]  Do you think it should be left on because of
> people with vision loss?  You may reply there (email
> 1305@xxxxxxxxxxx to do so) or here.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jason Spiro
> ^  [1].  http://emacsbugs.donarmstrong.com/1305#5
> ^  [2].  http://emacsbugs.donarmstrong.com/1305#10
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