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Re: Emacspeak on Ubuntu 8.10: best way to go about it?

I'm now using the Debian that I just installed with the latest
emacspeak with IBM TTS / Voxin.
I see in some of the documentation that it says I have to install

I found another error in the documentation (I think)

Sometimes this is given as the lines to add to /etc/profile
export DTK_PROGRAM DTK_PROGRAM=name of speech server

But I notice that the documentation says "lines" in the plural, so it
suggests that there should be TWO lines rather than the ONE in the

Now that could mean that I add:
1)  export outlook
2)  export DTK_PROGRAM DTK_PROGRAM=outloud
3)  export DTK_PROGRAM

I put in the words as in #3 on two lines, but I tried the others.

Perhaps it doesn't make a difference, just like the instructions to
type "make" in some documentation and some places else to type "make
emacspeak".  Or does it make a difference?  It is difficult to do as
instructed when the readme file and the make file say different

But no matter what variation I try in the /etc/profile file, I still
get this error:

/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers# tcl outloud
Language Library not opened: enu50.so: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not open text-to-speech engine
   while executing
"load $tclTTS/tcleci.so"
   invoked from within
"if {[file exists /usr/include/alsa/asoundlib.h]
   && [file exists  $tclTTS/atcleci.so]} {
   load $tclTTS/atcleci.so
   proc closeDSP {} {
   (file "outloud" line 492)

Well, that's about as much fun as I can have for today.

Any suggestions welcome.


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