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ispell-mode not speaking

I've isolated and "solved" the problem but the solution is bringing
its own inconveniences.
In my .emacs file I had added the following advice
;; (defadvice switch-to-buffer (after fix-punctuation act)
;;   "fix punctuation "
;;   (dtk-set-punctuations "some"))
to stop too much speaking of punctuation as I jumped around buffers.
Once this advice was removed ispell-mode was happy again but I'm now
having to reset speaking punctuation much more often.  
Good enough.

T.V. Raman writes:
>HMM, Works for me.
>Created a new buffer foo,
>typed demonstaation
>and hit M-x ispell-buffer (this is emacs (CVS)   AKA Emacs 23.
>   ispell-mode and I appear to be no longer on speaking terms ... pity it
>   was a nice relationship. I don't know when it broke even.
>   What happens:
>   1) open new emacspeak session
>   2) in any buffer (doesn't seem to matter much which mode) enter
>   something like
>   eerror (error but with a doubled e at the start)
>   --
>   Then move the cursor over eerror and type
>   m-x ispell-word
>   silence follows
>   ispell itself still works since if I type 0 I get the correction and
>   speech continues normally. I even sometimes get the message "checking
>   spelling of eerror".
>   but I never hear the choices. Similarly ispell-region no longer gives
>   the current line with the errant word in its particular voice etc.
>   This will almost certainly be a version thing so
>   emacs 22.1.1
>   emacspeak at revision 6149
>   @(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell
>0.60.5), ispell.el 3.6 - 01/07/2003
>   but loading the ispell from the current cvs snapshot of emacs doesn't
>   seem to help either.
>   I wondered if the advice from emacspeak-ispell was being called but it
>   seems so. I also failed to get edebug to instrument a defadvice but
>   am not very familiar with the edebug package so probably messed that
>   up. Failing a solution to the question, any advice on debugging
>   advised functions would be welcome (perhaps more so since I'm more
>   likely to find my own solution next time).
>   cheers
>   Peter
>   Peter Rayner: LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ
>   address: Bat. 701 LSCE - CEA de Saclay
>   Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette
>   work: +33 (1) 69 08 88 11; mobile: +33 (6) 75 46 56 52; fax: +33
>(1) 69 08 77 16
>   mail-to: peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx
>   web: http://www-lsce.cea.fr/Pisp/52/peter.rayner.html
>   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>Best Regards,
>Title:  Research Scientist
>Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
>WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
>Google: tv+raman
>GTalk:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx, tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
>PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
>On 5/5/09, Peter Rayner <peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ispell-mode and I appear to be no longer on speaking terms ... pity it
>> was a nice relationship.  I don't know when it broke even.
>> What happens:
>> 1) open new emacspeak session
>> 2) in any buffer (doesn't seem to matter much which mode) enter
>> something like
>> eerror (error but with a doubled e at the start)
>> --
>> Then move the cursor over eerror and type
>> m-x ispell-word
>> silence follows
>> ispell itself still works since if I type 0 I get the correction and
>> speech continues normally.  I even sometimes get the message "checking
>> spelling of eerror".
>> but I never hear the choices.  Similarly ispell-region no longer gives
>> the current line with the errant word in its particular voice etc.
>> This will almost certainly be a version thing so
>> emacs 22.1.1
>> emacspeak at revision 6149
>> @(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.60.5),
>> ispell.el 3.6 - 01/07/2003
>> but loading the ispell from the current cvs snapshot of emacs doesn't
>> seem to help either.
>> I wondered if the advice from emacspeak-ispell was being called but it
>> seems so.  I also failed to get edebug to instrument a defadvice but
>> am not very familiar with the edebug package so probably messed that
>> up.  Failing a solution to the question, any advice on debugging
>> advised functions would be welcome (perhaps more so since I'm more
>> likely to find my own solution next time).
>> cheers
>> Peter
>> Peter Rayner: LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ
>> address: Bat. 701 LSCE - CEA de Saclay
>> Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette
>> work: +33  (1) 69 08 88 11;	mobile: +33 (6) 75 46 56 52;	 fax: +33 (1) 69 08
>> 77 16
>> mail-to: peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> web: http://www-lsce.cea.fr/Pisp/52/peter.rayner.html
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the
>> emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a
>> subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".

Peter Rayner: LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ
address: Bat. 701 LSCE - CEA de Saclay
Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette
work: +33  (1) 69 08 88 11;	mobile: +33 (6) 75 46 56 52;	 fax: +33 (1) 69 08 77 16
mail-to: peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx
web: http://www-lsce.cea.fr/Pisp/52/peter.rayner.html

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