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Re:emacs upgrade in debian

If your emacspeak is quite old, you will need to update it to work with
emacs 23. I'm not sure if thre is a current version of emacspeak as a
ubuntu package or whether it is compatible with emacs 23. Using the deb
pacckage is probably the easiest way, but I don't run ubuntu and tend to
build from sources anyway. 

I do this by building from the svn repository on google.

This is what I do

1. Check out the emacspeak sources from google i.e.

svn co http://emacspeak.googlecode.com/svn/trunk emacspeak

This will create a directory called emacspeak. Change into that directory
and do the following. Before you do, make sure that emacs 23 is the default
emacs i.e. issuing the command 'which emacs' will show you which emacs is
executed. If it says /usr/bin/emacs, you need to do an ls -l
/usr/bin/emacs. This will probably show that /usr/bin/emacs is a symbolic
link to /etc/alternatives/emacs. If it does, you will need to do an ls -l
on /etc/alternatives/emacs - it should show that this is a symbolic link to
/usr/bin/emacs23. If it doesn't, you will need to use update-alternatives
to make emacs23 the default. 

Then run the following commands from within the emacspeak directory

make config
make emacspeak

You will then need to cd to the server/linux-espeak directory and build the
espeak server by running make. Note that there has been some
incompatibility with libtool in recent versions of ubuntu, so you may need
to modify the makefile. However, try it out first and see if it builds. If
it doesn't and you get link errors, let us know and I'll try to provide an
updated Makefile. 

If the server works, run it from the command line (following the directions
in the emacspeak Makefile to check the espeak server works. If it does, you
can then modify your emacspeak load information to use the
emacspeak-setup.el file in the emacspeak/lisp directory of the version you
have just built. 

If all goes well, you should then be up and running. 



Daniel Dalton writes:
 > Hi,
 > I'm using emacs22 currently, but it seems the latest version that got
 > installed on my system is emacs23. So how can I make use of this with
 > emacspeak? Currently I get errors with my current emacspeak version and
 > this version of emacs. Emacs22 works fine though. Do I need to update my
 > emacspeak, it is quite old. If so, how do I do this so it will compile,
 > and how do I also get my speech server to compile (espeak)?
 > Thanks,
 > Daniel.
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Tim Cross

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