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google code issues for emacspeak

Hi Will,

I prefer issues by email here -- gives me a single place to
check. I dont use the googlecode web site much -- I use svn from
the shell/emacs obviously, and there isn't much else on the
googlecode site that makes me want to go there via the browser,
so I've never really used the issue tracker system.

If you find it useful to post issues there --- might atract other
linux developers like yourself, feel free to do so, but please
copy them to the list so I see them too.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 11/30/10, William Hubbs <w.d.hubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Raman,
> I am wondering if you look at the google code issues for emacspeak, or
> if you prefer that issues be reported on the mailing list?
> Thanks,
> William

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