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Re: resolved: compilation issues

lsmithso@xxxxxxxxxxx <lsmithso@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Its not so much the detailed docs, of which there's plenty. Its more "if you
> are a new emacspeak user, you need these  packages to do useful things,, and
> this is how you get started with them".
> I get the feeling that there are a lot of long time emacspeak users out
> there that just know this stuff. Is this true? If so, it would be good to
> capture this somewhere.

I think the long time Emacspeak users generally know where to look and go
straight into the detailed docs for the extensions they decide to install.

Note that most of this has nothing to do with Emacspeak - one could simply
say, if you're a new Emacs user who wants to be productive, read this and
install these extensions according to your needs. That advice would be mostly
the same, whether Emacspeak is being used or not.

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