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Re: Emacspeak 37 Fails to Build on ArchLinux

I'm at work now so can't get a hold of those files till tonight.  All
I did was pull in the PKGBUILD for either normal emacspeak-37 or
emacspeak-svn.  They both have the same issue.  I assume you already
have that part so far.  Now what I did to at least get the package to
build was to run the makepkg and let the error happen.  Actually,
everything else built OK but for the info pages.  Now modify the
PKGBUILD to not refetch the source and then manually go down into the
src folder of the emacspeak source tree.  Edit the Makefile in this
folder in the area where it is cd'ing to the info tree for the
install: target.  It currently says something like "make install"  You
want to change it so it will say "make -i install".  This will cause
make to ignore any errors but the info pages still don't get actually
built properly but at least the package does complete and you can use
pacman -U to install the binaries and all.  this is a terible hack at
best but does allow to get a working emacspeak installed using the
package build and tracking system of Arch.  I generally do not like
doing manual installs anymore because they are much harder to clean up

I hope this works for you as I am recalling all this from memory.

On 3/28/13, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Steve,
> Would you be so kind as to send me what I need to install emacspeak?  I
> cannot get it to work either.
> Arch is so wonderful except for this :-(
> David
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Steve Holmes
> <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> OK, I got the ArchLinux package to build and install into my system.
>> However, it was a sloppy fix.  The info build is still broken but I
>> modified the main Makefile to install the info stuff by adding '-i' to
>> the make install command line for the info target.  At least I can use
>> the rest of the emacspeak stuff but the manual is broken here.
>> Still looking for how to fix the info target to build correctly
>> though.  I could mess around with the texinfo pages and see if I can
>> correct the errors myself and provide a patch or something but I know
>> little about texinfo let alone track down someone else's text bugs.
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