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Re: Blind software engineers, specifically UML

Thanks to everyone's input on this thread is very helpful, and I think
Raman has summarised everything below really well. I'll definitely take it all on
board and work with my lecturers to hopefully figure out the best way to
learn the underlying concepts, while also negotiating the various
assessments throughout the unit and working with my fellow class mates
in any group assignment work. 

Thanks again. 

Best regards, 
Daniel Dalton 

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 07:37:36PM -0700, T. V. Raman wrote:
> To build on what Pascal and Alex have said on this thread:
> UML  in itself -- or more specifically, its common manifestation
> in terms of ovals and circles and arrows  is a complete
> distraction in so far as learning the underlying concepts are
> concerned.
> The commonly seen representation of UML  is  nothing more than a
> visual notation -- learning the notation will not make one a
> software engineer in any sense.
> As far as learning such material when you cannot see is
> concerned:
> 1. Focus on your goal of learning the underlying concepts.
> 2. Ask what role the notation plays at each stage.
> A: Learning the concepts:  At this stage the UML  notation will
> only get in your way,  you'll probably do better following Pascal
> and Alex's suggestions.
> B: Learn the notation:
> You  will eventually need to communicate with others who are used
> to the commonly used notation; this is when you'll need to be
> able  to produce your own output -- that's when you'll benefit
> from learning one or other markup representation for producing
> good visuals.
> Finally: nothing will turn your UML  into working software;
> you'll need to learn to write code -- so eventually these things
> fall by the way-side. There are some excellent books   that teach
> you the underlying software engineering concepts -- e.g. "Design
> Patterns" that are worth focusing on.

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