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Re: OS X Server, Or Something Else?

To reiterate...anyone doing serious work on a Mac should probably refrain from upgrading from 10.8 to 10.9 at least until 10.9.1.

- David

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Haden Pike <haden.pike@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Commenting out everything from speechLock.acquire() to the final speechLock.release() at the top of the processSpeechQueue() function partially solves the problem.  Emacspeak reads everything it should, but the server still has some strange interactions with voice-lock.  If switching buffers fast, for instance, the server won’t say the name, of the buffer.

Nevertheless, I’ve got the most important functionality of Emacspeak back.

On Oct 27, 2013, at 1:16 PM, David Tseng <davidtseng@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

While implementing the server a while ago, I discovered a ref counting bug in the Mac tts implementation. If I recall correctly, end callbacks were not getting sent properly as a result (i.e. end callbacks of the previous utterance were sent *after* start callbacks of the current utterance). My guess is that 10.9 has corrected the issue.

I've not upgraded to Mavericks since I use my Mac for production work, but I can take a look next weekend on a machine with Mavericks. The fix will likely change/remove the extra acquire/release on the lock controlling access to the speech queue for Mavericks only since the bug obviously still exists pre-Mavericks.

- David

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Haden Pike <haden.pike@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Maybe starting the application that is stored in environment variable DTK_PROGRAM is enough to run the server.
> It is.

> This may help in determining the cause of the problem.

I tried that and these results might help diagnose the problem.

I ran ./mac from the Emacspeak servers directory.  After receiving the “Server ready” message, I typed the following:

q this is a test
q of the mac speech server.

Typing d gave me “this is a test”.  Typing d again gave me the second bit of queued text: “of the Mac speech server.

Based on this, it looks like the speech queue is not being processed correctly.  I don’t know the Cocoa technologies well, so am not sure where to start fixing this.

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