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Re: A few questions on how Emacspeak handles text and long lines

Hi David,

I've updated the tts-server docs to reflect that tts_say needs to
handle morpheme boundaries -- updated docs here:

I hadn't announced this to the list yet -- though I updated the
link on the sf.net site to point here: Emacspeak manual is now
published via github pages -- the top-level github pages link is 

If the Mac server doesn't expose some markup you can use to
indicate a morpheme boundaries, then you could try using a pause
that is half the length of a inter-word pause; alternatively,
left[*]bracket to "left-bracket" and synthesize it with
punctuations turned off. In the worst case, you could just strip
it in your implementation of tts_say; note that the morpheme
boundary will only show up in calls to tts_say.

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