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some more work on org tables (fwd)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 21:36:00
From: prayner <prayner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: some more work on org tables
Resent-Date: Sat,  4 Jul 2015 21:43:15 -0400 (EDT)
Resent-From: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx

I've done a bit more to add some of the functionality of
emacspeak-table-ui into browsing org-mode tables. One can now read row
and column headers using, e.g. "ctrl-e b" for both (keystrokes
copied from emacspeak-table-ui).
One catch at the moment is that the command to move up through a
column requires a new function in org-table. I've asked for that to be
added but I include it here for people who can and wish to install it
A few things still to do on automated reading of headers but I already
find this useful.
git diff origin -- emacspeak-org.el
diff --git a/lisp/emacspeak-org.el b/lisp/emacspeak-org.el
index 8a7d834..0b78d49 100644
--- a/lisp/emacspeak-org.el
+++ b/lisp/emacspeak-org.el
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
-              (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'select-object)))))))xrjp
+              (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'select-object)))))))

 (defadvice org-overview (after emacspeak pre act comp)
   "Provide auditory feedback."
@@ -395,12 +395,18 @@
           ("M-S-<right>" org-shiftmetaright)
           ("M-S-<up>" org-shiftmetaup)
           ("M-S-RET" org-insert-todo-heading)
+	  ("S-RET" org-table-previous-row)
           ("M-n" org-next-item)
           ("M-p" org-previous-item)
           ("S-<down>" org-shiftdown)
           ("S-<left>" org-shiftleft)
           ("S-<right>" org-shiftright)
           ("S-<up>" org-shiftup)
+	  ("C-e <SPC>" emacspeak-org-table-speak-current-element)
+	  ("C-e ." emacspeak-org-table-speak-coordinates)
+	  ("C-e b" emacspeak-org-table-speak-both-headers-and-element)
+	  ("C-e r" emacspeak-org-table-speak-row-header-and-element)
+	  ("C-e c" emacspeak-org-table-speak-column-header-and-element)
           ("S-TAB" org-shifttab)
@@ -545,9 +551,56 @@
   "echoes current table element"
   (dtk-speak-and-echo (org-table-get-field)))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-column-header ()
+  "echoes column header"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (org-table-get 1 nil)))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-row-header ()
+  "echoes column header"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (org-table-get nil 1 )))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-coordinates ()
+  "echoes coordinates"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (concat "row " (number-to-string (org-table-current-line))
+			      ", column " (number-to-string (org-table-current-column)))))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-both-headers-and-element ()
+  "echoes coordinates"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (concat (org-table-get nil 1) ", "
+			      (org-table-get  1 nil) ", "
+			      (org-table-get-field))))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-row-header-and-element ()
+  "echoes coordinates"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (concat (org-table-get nil 1) ", "
+			      (org-table-get-field))))
+(defun emacspeak-org-table-speak-column-header-and-element ()
+  "echoes coordinates"
+  (interactive)
+  (dtk-speak-and-echo (concat
+			      (org-table-get  1 nil) ", "
+			      (org-table-get-field))))
  for f in
- '(org-table-next-field org-table-previous-field)
+ '(org-table-next-field org-table-previous-field org-table-next-row org-table-previous-row)
   `(defadvice ,f  (after emacspeak pre act comp)

And now the org-table patch
git diff origin -- org-table.el
diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index 8a6e22b..f17d84d 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -1092,6 +1092,30 @@ Before doing so, re-align the table if necessary."
       (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))))

+(defun org-table-previous-row ()
+  "Go to the previous row (same column) in the current table.
+Before doing so, re-align the table if necessary."
+  (interactive)
+  (org-table-maybe-eval-formula)
+  (org-table-maybe-recalculate-line)
+  (if (or (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
+	  (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp)))
+      (newline)
+    (if (and org-table-automatic-realign
+	     org-table-may-need-update)
+	(org-table-align))
+    (let ((col (org-table-current-column)))
+      (beginning-of-line 0)
+      (if (or (not (org-at-table-p))
+	      (org-at-table-hline-p))
+	  (progn
+	    (beginning-of-line 1)))
+      (org-table-goto-column col)
+      (skip-chars-backward "^|\n\r")
+      (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))))
 (defun org-table-copy-down (n)
   "Copy the value of the current field one row below.


Peter Rayner
Leader, Clean Air and Urban Landscapes NESP hub.
room 343
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3010, Vic, Australia
tel: work: +61 (0)3 8344 9708; fax: +61 (0)3 8344 7761
mobile +61 402 752 379, skype: petermorag
mail-to: prayner@xxxxxxxxxxx
google scholar profile <http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=H3up71wAAAAJ&hl=en>

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