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emacspeak-ss-0.4: Speech servers for emacspeak

I have uploaded to the blinux ftp site:

emacspeak-ss-0.4.tar.gz     38393 bytes

This release corrects a bug I created in the Accent server when I
adapted Jack Chen's code.  My thanks to John Schucker
<gwynn@xxxxxxxxxxx> for providing the trace output that let me
spot this.

I have also modified the Accent server to set the serial port to 9600
n 7 1, per the Accent SA defaults (as pointed out by Kerry Hoath

This package has servers for three systhesizers under emacspeak:
1) DoubleTalk PC and AT from R. C. Systems <http://www.rcsys.com/>
2) Braille 'n Speak, Type 'n Speak, and Braille Lite from Blazie
3) Accent SA

You can access the Blinux FTP archive through:
You'll find the package in the  blinux/emacspeak/blinux/ directory

                            - Jim Van Zandt

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