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Re: [Q]completion policy

1) the code looks correct.

2) before worrying further about the code, lets' decide what
behavior is most appropriate for the user --then we can
decide how we write the code--
The reverse usually ends up looking like commercial win32
software because things are the way they are because it was
easy to write.

As far as I can tell 
in the cases where the completion gets shorter you might
want to indicate this with an auditory icon and then speak
the  relevant content.
You could define "relevant content" as all of the minibuffer
contents  --but this may end up speaking more than you need
I'd suggest trying a few things out and seeing what is
comfortable to use on a daily basis.

>>>>> "Koichi" == Koichi INOUE <kinoue@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Koichi> Hi, "T. V. Raman" <ramantv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    Koichi> writes:

    >> You can fix this problem by making the advice on
    >> completion commands smarter.

    Koichi> I have written an advice for mew-complete(for
    Koichi> mailer Mew) based on minibuffer-complete like
    Koichi> this; it may be the same approach as you
    Koichi> mentikoned:

    Koichi> --code begin (defadvice mew-complete-address
    Koichi> (around emacspeak pre act) "Say what you
    Koichi> completed."  (let* ((beg (save-excursion
    Koichi> (re-search-backward "[ ,:]") (forward-char 1)
    Koichi> (point))) (dtk-stop-immediately t) (prior-key
    Koichi> (buffer-substring beg (point))) (prior (point)))
    Koichi> (emacspeak-kill-buffer-carefully "*Mew
    Koichi> completions*") ad-do-it (let
    Koichi> ((completions-buffer (get-buffer "*Mew
    Koichi> completions*"))) (if (or (> (point) prior) (not
    Koichi> (string-equal prior-key (buffer-substring beg
    Koichi> prior)))) (dtk-speak (buffer-substring beg
    Koichi> (point ))) (when (and completions-buffer
    Koichi> (window-live-p (get-buffer-window
    Koichi> completions-buffer ))) (save-excursion
    Koichi> (set-buffer completions-buffer )
    Koichi> (emacspeak-prepare-completions-buffer)
    Koichi> (dtk-speak (buffer-string ))))))
    Koichi> ad-return-value)) --code end

    Koichi> It is made for mail address completion so that
    Koichi> it first backward-searhces the address field
    Koichi> separator.

    Koichi> It seems to work well, but, just like
    Koichi> minibuffer-complete, user can't know exactly
    Koichi> whether (a) characters left to the point is
    Koichi> changed or (b) simply new characters are added.
    Koichi> Do you think is it OK or have some idea about
    Koichi> representing (1) or (b)?

    Koichi> Best regards.  -- Koichi Inoue E-Mail:
    Koichi> inopie@xxxxxxxxxxx ICQ UIN: 74900690

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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
PGP:    http://cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc 

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