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batch loading with w3

folks, i puzzled over this a while and didn't find any built in
support in w3 for batch loading pages.  please educate me if there is
a feature i've overlooked. 

i wanted this because the layout phase takes a fair amount of time on
my box, sometimes a few minutes or more.  this is on pages i like to
read from the newspaper.  as usual, the miami herald web pages are
chock full of elements, tables, links etc.

no doubt, the new giga hertz box i am setting up now will render these
pages with lots less struggle.

normally, i load the home page and search for top news.  then, proceed
to read whatever articles are of interest.  this is where i got
annoyed waiting while w3 spun for ages, saying drawing, drawing,
drawing.  i'm sure you've heard this.

i would rather pick the articles, have them loaded and rendered all in
one shot.  no matter if ten minutes of wall clock time pass.  here's
what i came up with.

first, set the kill ring to nil;

(setq kill-ring nil)

now, pick the articles you want to load by typing upper case K when
cursor is over the link.  this saves the url in the kill ring.  keep
repeating this step till you've selected everything.  don't run
anything else during this process that would save data in the kill

now run;

(mapcar 'w3-fetch kill-ring)

this may cook for several minutes.  the number of files loading and
the speed of your box will of course cause this time to be widely
variable.  now's a good time to take the dog out, empty the dishwasher
or whatever.

this will result in a bunch of new w3 buffers all rendered and ready
for reading.  

you can enter the two commands shown above in the minibuffer by typing
meta colon.  after the first time, recall them with meta p.


Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     Unix Administrator/Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile)   http://www.JerrySievers.com/~gsievers/

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