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Re: emacspeak / outloud - not talking

aren't you getting an error message of some kind?

have a look in the messages or compile log buffers once emacs starts.

try running the outloud server by hand.  it should emit some startup
jingles, or in your case some diagnostics.

insure that the user trying to run emacspeak has rights on the sound
device /dev/dsp.  lots of people get stuck here as they'll do the
ViaVoice install as root but run emacspeak as a non priveledged user
on a box without fixing the perms on dsp.

the outloud server should be;


of course, after fixing /etc/profile or whatever you logged out and
back in, i hope.  you can also say;

emacspeak -o

that's dash o, to force using outloud regardless of what DTK_PROGRAM
says initially.

good luck.

>From: "Donald Raikes" <draikes_linux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 14:51:45 -0800
>Resent-From: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Precedence: list
>Resent-Sender: emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
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>---Executing: htmlStripper
>I just installed SuSe linux this week on a compaq 
>desktop machine.
>I downloaded and installed emacspeak-15.0, and 
>ViaVoice_TTS_rtk-5.1-1.2.i386 Viavoice_TTS_sdk-5.1-1.2.i386.
>I downloaded and installed tcl-8.3.4, and 
>tclx-8.3.2 as well.
>When I go to the ViaVoice folder and try the 
>runcmdlinespeak program, it speaks fine. However, when I edit the /etc/profile 
>file and add the necessary lines, and then try emacspeak, I get 
>I have a dectalk-express, so I re-edited the 
>/etc/profile file to change to dtk-exp instead of outloud, added the 
>variables, and tried emacspeak successfully.
>Any ideas as to why the outloud tts isn't 
>Thanks very much in advance!!
>Don Raikes

Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     Unix Administrator/Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile)   http://www.JerrySievers.com/~gsievers/

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