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Re: sound problem possibly tcl error

I had a similar problem (but a different symbol name).  Turns
out that if you link g++ code with the command name "gcc"
(even though it's the same binary) it doesn't add the g++
library by default.

I added the line:


right after the line that says:

TTS=tcleci.so eci.ini VIAVOICE

in the Makefile.  This solved the problem for me by causing make
to link using g++ instead of gcc.

You have to "make clean" and then "make" after making this change.

Good Luck!


bct wrote:
> Hello, I'm trying to install emacspeak with viavoice and can't
> get past one problem.  I can execute viavoice from the
> command line but when emacspeak is started no sound occurs.
> No errors are reported by emacspeak.
> I've tried running all the diagnostic tests and they indicate
> the driver "outloud" isn't working.  After typing "tcl outloud"
> the following error is reported:
> Error: couldn't load file /linux-outloud/tcleci.so undefined symbol
> __gxx_personality_v0 while executing load $tclTTS/tcleci.so
> (file outloud line 290)
> Does this make sense to anyone?
> At first i thought it was a compile problem and tried to remake
> tcleci but the compile had problems?
> jeff
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