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strange reaction with emacspeak18 and ffap


I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? I'm using ffap.el which
is find-file-at-point, in emacs 21.2.2. Since I upgraded to emacspeak18,
there seem to be some issues with it.

By default, it looks like it highlights the URL it's found in the
buffer, then runs browse url.

When you first run it, it does this, and brings up the web page or
file at point.

If you run it again, however, you get an error
emacspeak-personality-remove: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p,

Obviously this has something to do with the highlighting code in
ffap. It looks like it uses overlays to do the highlighting. So I guess
somewhere the code that's meant to map personalities to overlays in
emacspeak's getting confused. A temporary fix is, I think, to disable
highlighting in ffap. 

What I can't figure out is, one, why the heck it only happens after
ffap's been run  once, and two, how the heck to fix it.

Anyone got any ideas?

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