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Voice lock mode problem

Sounds to me like the appollo driver needs to be translating/removing
the dectalk control characters from its output stream. Seems a little
odd as I would have thought this would always have been necessary,
even with the old voice-lock engine. 

All I can suggest is trying to customize those things like iserarch
which highlight matches to see if setting the highlight to the same as
the default face makes things usable. Not sure if this will mean the
voice-lock doesn't send any control commands or not - possibly won't
as there is no change in the face - depends on how its implemented. 


>>>>> "Esmond" == Esmond Walshe <esmond.walshe@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Esmond> Hi all, I have successfully upgraded to emacspeak-18.0.
 Esmond> However, the new voice-lock engine is posing some
 Esmond> compatibility problems for the apollo2 speech synthesizer.
 Esmond> The decktalk specific commands have no effect on the apollo2
 Esmond> thus it reads out each one whilst reading the text that was
 Esmond> passed.

 Esmond> I have tried to use the apollo2 with voice lock mode turned
 Esmond> off and the apollo seems to read text normally.  However, any
 Esmond> time I envoke a command which requires voice lock mode such
 Esmond> as the C-s command for searching, voice lock is re-instated.

 Esmond> I have also turned off voice-lock-mode through the use of the
 Esmond> customize application.  Although, this does add the
 Esmond> appropriate line in my .emacs file, emacspeak completely
 Esmond> ignores it.  If I exit emacs and restart, the default setting
 Esmond> in the customize application is not-nil.

 Esmond> I am running emacspeak-18.0 with emacs-21.3 on redhat 6.2

 Esmond> I am also envoking emacspeak from my .emacs file, just in
 Esmond> case this makes a difference.

 Esmond> Thanks for any help

 Esmond> Best regards

 Esmond> Esmond

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