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oreilly daisy books

the ncx file is the right file to provide to c-e c-b --ncx ==
navigation center according to Daisy.

Why you get the error you report might be due to a whole slew of
reasons depending on your environment  --but for 
playing with the OReilly books you need to be running the CVS version
of emacspeak.
>>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher Moore <christopher.h.moore@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Christopher> Hello, I'm trying to open an oreily book in daisy
    Christopher> format from bookshare.

    Christopher> When I use c-e c-b, I get the following message: Book
    Christopher> Navigation File: ~/

    Christopher> I put in the path the the book but am not sure which
    Christopher> file I need.  I tried the .ncx file which brings up a
    Christopher> buffer with what looks like an index of some sort.
    Christopher> When I hit <ret> on an item I get the following:

    Christopher> Wrong type argument: stringp, nil

    Christopher> Am I opening the wrong file?

    Christopher> Thanks Chris

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