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VM & outgoing mail.

Hi Leonie,
This is what have in my .emacs: it should work for you too.
(require 'vm)
(autoload 'vm "vm" "Start VM on your primary inbox." t)
   (autoload 'vm-other-frame "vm" "Like `vm' but starts in another frame." t)
   (autoload 'vm-visit-folder "vm" "Start VM on an arbitrary folder." t)
   (autoload 'vm-visit-virtual-folder "vm" "Visit a VM virtual folder." t)
   (autoload 'vm-mode "vm" "Run VM major mode on a buffer" t)
   (autoload 'vm-mail "vm" "Send a mail message using VM." t)
   (autoload 'vm-submit-bug-report "vm" "Send a bug report about VM." t)
;SMTP MAIL STUFF from xemacs's init-file
(setq mail-user-agent 'vm-user-agent)
(setq toolbar-mail-reader 'vm)
(setq user-mail-address "kalyanm@xxxxxxxxxxx");;CHANGE THIS
(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
(setq smtp-default-server "smtp.vsnl.net");;CHANGE THIS
(setq smtpmail-smtp-service "smtp")
(setq smtp-local-domain "nil")
(setq smtp-debug-info nil);
	       ;next 3 lines from the mail-lib ver 1.33
;;(load-library "smtpmail");;added on 10-11-2K
(setq smtpmail-code-conv-from nil)
(setq user-full-name "Kalyan Mukherjea"));;CHANGE THIS
Good luck.
Léonie Watson writes:
 > Hello all,
 >     Can anyone advise me how to tell vm which program I'm using to send and
 > recieve mail from the pop3 server?
 >     I'm using Fetchmail to do this, but under vm email isn't getting out
 > into the real world, it just returns to my inbox. I've varified the
 > addresses are correct and I've narrowed down the possibilities to spool
 > files and Fetchmail, but can't get much further than that.
 >     I've been reading through the info pages, but I'm not entirely sure what
 > I'm looking for and must admit that much of it still makes less sense than
 > I'd hoped :-)
 >     Sorry this is a bit vague. I hope that the experts will be able to help
 > me out.
 > Thanks,
 > Tink.
 > --
 > Léonie Watson  |  t. +44 (0) 117 344 5012
 > Visit our web site today:
 > http://www.nomensa.com/
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