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eflite_alsa emacspeak: overlap in reading.

Hallo group members.

I am using eflite_alsa from http://homepage.hispeed.ch/loehrer/flite_alsa.html as a speech server. The problem I experience is slight overlapping of reading text when I move the cursor from line to line (or from sentence to sentence, etc..) and previous line is just being read. I can hear the following effect: emacspeak starts reading new line (or sentence) and interrupts reading of previous just after (say 1/10 sec) it started reading the next one. This slight overlapping makes that I cannot hear clearly first word of new line. Below there is a piece of "ps xawwwwuf" command result. I wonder why there are so many eflite_alsa processes. I noticed that every every invocation of "ps xawwwwuf" shows another PIDS of 2 most bottom eflite_alsa processes.

I am running fc.5. I do not have ~/.asoundrc file.

result of ps xawwwwuf:
root    12175  0.0  0.4   2744  1268 ?        Ss   22:40   0:00 login -- user
user    12193  0.0  0.5   4448  1448 tty1     Ss   22:40   0:00  \_ -bash
user    12221 12.0  6.7  23380 17340 tty1     S+   22:40   0:11      \_ emacs -q -l /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-*-iso8859-2 -l /home/user/.emacs
user    12223  0.0  0.2   8684   704 ?        Ss   22:40   0:00          \_ /home/user/sp_srv/eflite_alsa
user    12224  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    22:40   0:00          |   \_ [eflite_alsa] <defunct>
user    12368  0.0  0.4   4444  1208 pts/1    Ss   22:40   0:00          \_ /bin/bash --noediting -i
user    12557  0.0  0.3   4148   900 pts/1    R+   22:41   0:00              \_ ps xawwwuf
user    12225  8.5  2.1  30536  5620 ?        Ss   22:40   0:07 /home/user/sp_srv/eflite_alsa
user    12537  0.0  0.3  30540   960 ?        Ss   22:41   0:00 /home/user/sp_srv/eflite_alsa

Do You have any idea on what might be the solution?


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